Thursday, October 04, 2007


Check out this one google search that'll get you to my blog:
andswers to face books traveler iq chalenge
Wow. Well, let's see. I can't give you the answers, but I can give you this advice: learn to spell.


Unknown said...

Ha! According to this page, what they should have googled was "world map"!

towwas said...

Yeah. Do you not know the traveler IQ challenge? It is the best thing ever. It's the reason I joined facebook. And also, that yappadingding blogger - I'm the one who told her about the quiz, and now she's the #1 google result.

Unknown said...

I only have a facebook account to learn my students' names. But the post I just wrote on Spice's blog seems to indicate I'm open to more (knocking on wood).

towwas said...

Knock on wood indeed.