Saturday, April 07, 2007

monkey (temporary)

Tall L is out of town, so I'm filling in the temporary gap in monkeyblogging today, if that's okay by you, Tall L. Today at J.Chu's there was a little party and easter egg hunt. The monkey and some other kids got to run around the backyard looking for toys and eggs. The monkey found this one and wanted to tell monkeydad, "It's a duck that's a knight!" Which it is, see? Totally cute.

Only he had a little vowel accident and yelled "It's a dyke that's a nut!"



Unknown said...

Aww - he's so innocently offensive!

Madison had to cancel some sort of an egg-hunt today because the Tavern League (the previous sponsor) said the city-wide smoking ban has cut into their revenue too much. Of course, now I can't find any stories about it, so perhaps I'm just making up stories so I have interesting things to comment about.

Unknown said...

Wait! Here! I'm not making it up after all -

MonkeyMom said...

Ohhhh!! So *that's* what he said!! They were trying to tell me over the phone and I couldn't figure out what the heck they were talking about...except MonkeyDad said "we just couldn't stop laughing"...

That's awesome! :)

Thanks for keeping the Monkey well-blogged in my absence!!

erin*carly said...

oh, kiddies . . . they say the darndest things. :)