Thursday, December 28, 2006

I told you I know talented people

Check out E.C.'s new song (and her blog, while you're at it). An even more remarkable fact about E.C.: she's someone I know in the bloggyworld who's NOT ANONYMOUS. I also know her in the real world, and, ok, that isn't exactly her name, but it's pretty close.


erin*carly said...

awwww, thank you! :)

my semi-anonymity probably came about because my blog used to reside through blogger but published to my personal site. you had to know my "stage name" to find me - it's all i go by when playing music.

if you search for me on google, you'll get about 90% me, and 10% some hussy model-wannabe "carly erin" who lives in texas and likes to have half-naked pictures of herself on her site.

it used to just be me.
what's happened to the internet?

Unknown said...

Damn, woman! Either of you. Both.