Saturday, November 11, 2006


Okay. Who can guess what this is a picture of? Winner gets a blog post devoted to their personal excellence.

UPDATE 11/13: J.Bro wins! Yes, that is the splatter a bird made when it hit my dining room window. (It's a big window - it's got four or five of these blobs right now.) I think in this print, you can actually make out where the little guy's eye hit. See it? Fortunately, despite making a pretty big bang, they all seem to walk or fly away, so I'm allowed to think it's funny. Right?


grrrbear said...

A bubble at the moment of popping?

Coloradan said...

A dandelion?

Unknown said...

It's the splatter from a bird flying into your window. I wrote it without a question mark, I'm so sure in my correctness.

Stacey Pelika said...

I'm siding with Grrr on the bubble.

towwas said...

Ooh! S.Vix - I think you're the only reader who ever looks at my Flickr pictures (everyone else: yes, you can find the answer there, but that would totally be cheating). Vix's comment was deleted to allow the contest to continue, because this is amusing me....

MonkeyMom said...

It's definitely the back yard at your parents' house...and it's definitely through a window...and I'm too tired to think beyond that.

I feel like my personal excellence is no longer worthy of being blogged.


Annie said...

Dude, a wild turkey once flew into a window at my parents' house in Minnesota. I can't believe our window didn't break. the whole house shook and we all ran to see what happened. The turkey was out cold for about 10 minutes, but then it got up and walked away.

Annie said...

p.s. I was going to guess spiderweb... and be wrong... How did J. Bro know the answer so certainly?