Saturday, December 10, 2005

opening night at last

We had a damn fine opening night. I'm happy with how the chorus is sounding. And apparently it sounds good out in the house, too - the director and musical director sit all the way in the back row, and they say it's really coming through perfectly. There's nothing that sucks like rehearsing for three months to make bad music - this is infinitely preferable. Our musical director is really talented.

At the end of the show, we all run out to the lobby and sing there while people leave. Often audience members stop to chat, just to tell us how much they enjoyed the show, or that we suck, or whatever. Tonight a couple who've been coming since the beginning (in the early 80s) told me this year's was the best they'd seen.

After we got out of costume and makeup, we all reconvened at the Italian restaurant around the corner for boisterous song, drink, and snacking. I can't tell you how delighted I am that I don't have to drag myself out of bed for work in the morning.

We have seven more performances, but I'm already sad that the show will be over so soon.

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