Friday, December 09, 2005

happy birthday

Ok, so it wasn't all Norwegian birthday songs; these guys also sang happy birthday to me. (The two on the left.) We ran into them in the food court across the street before rehearsal, and G-dog told them it was my birthday. So they whipped out "Happy Birthday to You." The arrangement featured some excellent harmony and the immortal line "Happy birthday, dear - what's your name?"

But we told them we wanted a birthday song in Finnish, or Russian, or something. So the one with the beard says, ok, we sing happy birthday in Russian now. [Big breath.] "Heppy byursday tu yuuu..."


MonkeyMom said...

I can't speak enough alternate and/or Scandislavikavianesque languages to compete with the international set, so I'm punting...

Welcome to the Decade of the 3s! :)

Can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, grown-up!

And I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level, Ms. Science Lady. You can add me to your Netflix list - it's brozek at