Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Today I got a neck x-ray. I've never had an x-ray before. It was kinda cool, but something about standing very still and being in a medical setting made me go all light-headed - I thought I was going to collapse before she took the last picture. Oops. The upshot, if anyone's keeping track, was that my headaches are probably caused by the muscles in my neck.


grrrbear said...

Wow - so will you have to have all the neck muscles removed? Maybe you'll get a bionic neck, which you can extend out like Mr Gadget! As the kids say - "Kewl!"

That'd be kinda handy in a crowd, don'tcha know...oh yah sure!

MonkeyMom said...

See, I think we should all have cabana boy/girls who'll come and rub those neck muscles whenever the evil headaches show up.

I actually scared a chiropractor once with those muscles that connect the next to the shoulder (you know, the sort of triangle-y ones on the top? Yeah, those...). She was like "whoa! You've got concrete where your muscles should be..." Heh.

So did you get a prescription for a cabana boy??? :D

MonkeyMom said...

P.S. Where it says "next" above? Yeah, that's actually "neck"...and stuff... (I should go to bed..)

towwas said...

Yeah, those muscles are the same way on me. I had a 15-minute massage between the shows on Saturday and the guy's exact words, on poking at my back, were "eugh."

towwas said...

Hey, it's J.Vo, cool! So is my doctor on crack? She wasn't telling me she saw muscle stuff on the x-ray (duh), just that based on what she saw and other crap I'd told her, I probably have a muscle spasm in my neck.