Sunday, January 18, 2009

things facebook has done for me lately

1. A few weeks ago, a friend had the status line "[name] is bored in Heathrow." She was on the way home from Egypt, with her Blackberry. So I sent her a message on Facebook and said, you know, if you're *really* bored, you could stop in a bookshop and pick up the last Harry Potter book in the UK paperback children's edition. A few days later, it was in my hands.

2. This evening after I got back from the big inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial, I was bummed that She Gre wasn't around, so I couldn't go watch the rebroadcast on her cable. Then I learned from someone else's status line that the rebroadcast was streaming on the HBO website, so I watched it right then.

3. A few days ago my status update said I needed a better way to organize my knitting needles...and now J.Po is sewing me a knitting needle organizer thingy! And I'm knitting her an accessory of my choosing! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Wait - you're turning online social networking into real-life, flesh-and-blood networking? I don't think that's how the internet is supposed to work, young lady. Now get back to your World of Warcraft game - those Cheetos aren't going to eat themselves.

grrrbear said...

What is facebook?

Yappa said...

You could also always order books from we get the British editions.

That tip might be a tad late in coming though...