Tuesday, December 02, 2008

direct dial

Today I made my first call about a freelance story, to a PR guy somewhere in the midwest. It feels weird to be doing something so clearly work-y like that at home. Not wrong, just unusual. Here's how unusual: The first time I called, the call didn't go through. I got some kind of phone company error message. I looked at the display on the phone, checked the number, it was right - then I realized I'd dialed 9 first. Apparently, in my brain, you have to dial 9 before making a work-related call.

One of many small mental adjustments.


Coloradan said...

And don't forget you'll need more than four digits if you want to call your old colleagues...

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about freelancing - how do you identify yourself when you call sources?

towwas said...

Yeah - I haven't figure that out, either! I think I call and say, my name is Towwas, I'm a writer and I'm working on a story for [client]...