Saturday, April 12, 2008

car update

I'm sure you were dying to know what happened to my leaky car. On the third try, my mechanic found and plugged the leak. But by then my parents had left for three months in Colorado and there was no way I was going to get the various linings, pads, and other doodads back in the car on my own. Well, my dad got back on Wednesday, and tonight we put everything back together. My car has a backseat again! And now people can ride in it without getting their rear ends wet!


Cheryl said...

But if they ride in the backseat they won't be able to see the smoke coming from the steering wheel!

grrrbear said...

I hope your car doesn't take this the wrong way, but I come out to DC this summer can we just take the subway?

towwas said...

Grrrbear, my car is insulted. It hardly ever smokes.

towwas said...

And are you coming to DC this summer? That would be awesome!

grrrbear said...

It's something I'm totally considering. I have to make at least one work-related trip to Baltimore, and I'm trying to see if I can schedule it over a weekend. Woot!

Don't worry, I'll be sure to get sick on the plane ride so I can spend lots of time lying sick on your couch. ;-)

towwas said...

Perfect! Or you can lie sick on the back seat of my car!