Tuesday, January 01, 2008

power tools

I used the drill!! My dad retired last week (!) and my parents are spending the next three months in Colorado (!) so my dad can improve his Telemark skiing skills (!) which means I now have to hang my own stuff on the walls.

I'm not particularly concerned about all the extra holes I drilled while figuring out where to put the left bracket. However, I think the project would be more of an aesthetic success if the screws in the right bracket didn't each stick out about half an inch.


Cheryl said...

Hurray drill! I never doubted that you COULD do it, only that you would drum up the motivation. Hurray! (yes, yes it's 1:37am.)

MonkeyMom said...

Wow. You officially have more wisks *and* more spatulas than me!! You must be a cooking fiend!! Yay for power tools and clever ways to hanging stuff!

erin*carly said...

i never thought a drill and kitchen stuff could be a cohesive christmas gift until this.

way to go, Santa. :) (er, mom and dad.

you know, i was wondering how your parents could spend three whole months in Colorado . . . good for them that they now can spend some quality skiing time together. (as if they weren't cute enough, right?)

towwas said...

Miss Shirley, did I say anything about the obscenely late hour at which you posted? No, I did not. Oh wait, maybe I just did.

Anyway...yeah, I find it easier to motivate to do homey things when it's my very own apartment. Also, the drill is kind of fun.