Sunday, May 13, 2007

all galaed out

Tonight was the big fancy gala for the Christmas show. I got to wear my gala dress again (thanks again to Tall L for helping me find it). It was good times. I know and love, or at least tolerate, most of the people there, and enjoyed all the dorky singing by the whole crowd. There was also singing by the madrigal group, which is why I was there. The line on the souvenir wine glass is from one of the madrigals we sang. People said the madrigals sounded really good - even one person who knew the songs well enough to hear all our mistakes and near-trainwrecks. So...yay! Miss Shirley and I put one of our musical parties in the silent auction - we show up and throw one at your house - and it only sold for $280, but it went to nice people, so it's all good.

1 comment:

erin*carly said...

i think $280 is a pretty good, considering they don't quite know what awesomeness to expect.

good times on saturday . . . i'm so pooped, i feel like it was so long ago. yay madrigals. i'm so glad i got to go, even if i ended up shoeless and running throughout the event. :)