Thursday, January 04, 2007


A few months ago, my parents got a new set of scales. I couldn't figure out how to use them (sometimes, I'm dumber than you'd think), plus I kind of liked being ignorant. Then yesterday I learned how to use the thing, and learned that I've hit a new record weight. (My dad, standing next to me, helpfully said, "Wow!")

So it's my new plan to go back to my old plan, which involved exercise and also involved tracking said exercise on a joint google calendar with Miss Shirley. Anyone else want to get in on this motivational calendar? The more people who know how embarrassingly little I exercise, the merrier. Let me know and I'll add your e-mail to the calendar. I think you have to have a google account.


MonkeyMom said...

Yes please. Sign me up. My gmail is like my yahoo only at gmail dot com.


Coloradan said...

Sure, why not?

But in my experience, exercise can just make you hungier.

erin*carly said...

does friday night dance count as excersize? if not, then i need to step it up, too. actually, i need a regularly occuring event (like a rehearsal or a class) to make sure i don't go bonkers like i did last night. it involved loud music, dancing like a fool, and cleaning my room.

count me in . . . maybe motivation from others will get me off my lazy behind and actually do something productive. i'm thinking either yoga or dance . . . it's "mynamewithoutthestar" at gmail.

towwas said...

Coloradan - That's ok, my brand of exercise is pretty low-key. (For me, it means "Something other than sitting on your ass.") And I'm not really trying to lose weight, just slow the rate of increase. And be fit.

EC - Friday night dance *totally* counts. (See definition, above.)

Everybody - woo!!

erin*carly said...

so true! tonight [yes, i took your advice and went alone] was SO HOT. i swear, it felt like summer. what a night to wear a sweater-like shirt. umm, no.

but i did partner with my favorite dancer EVER - the 70-something irish grandpa who gets all crazy and stomps alot. he's fantastic!