Tuesday, January 09, 2007


It's intern season - the application deadline for our summer internships just passed. It's amazing the range of dumb things people do on their application, like calling my publication a "paper" or a "station." Or applying to write about a subject we don't cover. Or forgetting to swap out the name of another publication they were applying to. (A resume I read today said her goal was an internship at the L.A. Times. Then maybe they'd like to see this application, because I'm not so interested.) Or being boring in the cover letter. For the love of pulitzer, if you ever apply for a journalism job, WRITE AN INTERESTING COVER LETTER. Sheesh.

Fortunately, we have many excellent, entertaining applicants, too, so I think I'll be able to come up with a good crop for the summer. I've read about 60 - a hundred or so to go, I think. Gack. And I thought I hadn't done enough recruiting.

1 comment:

Coloradan said...

Rest assured--they're way more interesting than what I've been reading at work today. At least you have amusingly stupid gaffes to look forward to.