Thursday, July 13, 2006

emulating j.bro

Yesterday's Times had a story about distressing jeans. And it just totally annoyed me. In fact, I stopped reading after the first couple of paragraphs, because I hate how freaking hard it is to find plain old jeans. Yes they should be nicely cut. Yes they should fit. Yes they should improve the appearance of the posterior. But beyond that, couldn't the manufacturers just let me break in my own damn pants?

Last Friday I was at work when BeeBeeQ and I decided to go to the baseball game, but I was wearing totally unsuitable work clothes. Not that it matters what you wear to a baseball game, but I like being able to put my feet up, and I was in a skirt. So I decided to go jeans shopping. I tried the Gap (ill-fitting and distressed), Banana Republic (too expensive, even on the sales rack), and finally Ann Taylor Loft, which makes me feel like a Girl Office Worker but always totally comes through for me - as they did this time, with jeans that were dark blue like god meant 'em and fit like a dream.

I'm afraid buying new jeans for a baseball game might make me kind of bratty. It has a Hilton sister feel to it. I hope this is ameliorated by the fact that I needed new jeans anyway and the other fact that they were on sale. BeeBeeQ told me if I wore them two more times, then they're worth it, and I've done that already this week. So it's ok, right? Not a brat?


Unknown said...

Welcome to the inner circle of denim-blogging!

I read an article about raw denim in GQ recently that was just flat-out wrong. The article claimed that the appeal was that dry denim looked neater and dressier than pre-distressed, and that was the appeal. Wrong, GQ writer-dude. Distressed is awesome, but only if its from your own body - not from some Italian guy doing 60 pairs a day.

grrrbear said...

In the words of Sam the Eagle:

"You are all...weirdos."