Sunday, February 12, 2006

weekend in virginia

Saturday Miss S and I hosted a wedding shower for G-dog. I stayed over at Miss S's Friday night because I was afraid of driving in the giant snowstorm they were predicting for Saturday. (Yes, yes, you midwestern people go ahead and sneer, but I had all the food at my house and I have no experience driving in snow.) We watched three Firefly episodes Friday night. First picture: I strapped the cheese and salami into Little Miss's car seat on the way to the shower location on Saturday. In the rain. Not snow.

Second picture: G-dog with a bag of embarrassing presents. Not from me or Miss S - we gave her normal presents. The rain was finally turning into snow.

Third picture: Doggie S takes a trip outside during Miss S's and my six-episode Firefly marathon Saturday night. (I didn't feel like driving home in the increasingly nasty weather.)

Fourth picture: the snow was perfect. This morning Mr. Miss and Little Miss made a snowman while Miss S and I watched the last [sigh] episode of Firefly.


Dr Nate said...

howdy, and thanks for perusing my blog! i'm sorry i'm not directly replying to anything about the weekend in Virginia, but I back-read a number of your entries and as yet am not familiar enough with your "cast of characters!" write about science in a newspaper? is that right? neato. how did you feel about the recent Time article about US (gasp!) falling behind in science?

Cheryl said...

The cheese and salami were strapped in securely but those crazy cupakes were floating about willy-nilly in the backseat. It was scary and exciting all at the same time.

towwas said...

Hey Dr Nate. Yknow, I do write about science (well, actually health and medicine), professionally, but I don't blog about science. I'm trying not to screw with my objectivity. Well, and in this case, I don't really know enough about the topic to have an opinion.

Good thing the cupcakes made it, eh Miss Shirley?

Annie said...

I Heart Firefly. How could such an entertaining show with such brilliant script-writing be cancelled? arrrrrggghhhhh. Hope the snow's treating you well.