Sunday, February 12, 2006

film festival

So I'm continuing my Brazilian film festival with the last three movies of my Netflix membership. (I'm putting it on hold for a while, since I'm going out of the country and all.) And I was just thinking, well hey, it's a weekend, so I'll watch the longest one tonight and save the others for weeknights. So. Three different movies, from three different decades. And each one is exactly one hour and 47 minutes. What are the chances? And now how do I decide which one to watch?

Oh, and in other random coincidence news, I met a dude this weekend who went to Our Alma Mater - class o' '67 - and we discovered that we lived in the same room (in Ground Davis, for those familiar with O.A.M. geography) our sophomore years. Weird, huh?


Cheryl said...

I think this is something that needs to be done in a very scientific and exact manner.

Eeny meeney miney mo...

Annie said...

Hey did you watch "City of God"? AWESOME movie. WOW.

towwas said...

I love City of God! I own it on DVD, in fact. The first full sentence I learned in Portuguese was from that movie: "Dadinho o caralho, meu nome agora eh Zé Pequeno, porra!" It has two very useful swearwords in it. (It's Little Dice saying "my name isn't Little Dice anymore" right before shoots that guy. You know, the one time when Little Dice shoots a guy. That pretty much narrows it down to, oh, the entire movie.)