Saturday, January 28, 2006


It makes me feel old that I remember so clearly something that happened 20 years ago today. Can you believe the space shuttle program was only five years old then? It seems like there's been shuttles forever.


Stacey Pelika said...

Wow. My main memories of that:

1) In my class (6th grade) we had to do these current events presentations, and I vividly remember every kid going up to the map and starting with ("This story takes place in Florida...").

2) My mom was unemployed and so was home all day. She was very annoyed that all they had on TV was very repetitive coverage of the explosion (I think we had cable at this point, but there weren't a lot of channels). I remember the news anchors with little models of the Challenger demonstrating how it broke apart. And, later, a lot of discussion of o-rings.

In retrospect, I'm finding it kind of interesting that my memories are all framed in terms of it as a news story.

Talentedhands said...

I don't think I should say what I was doing 20 years ago, but you can bet I was out of elementary school.

I was pretty much so self-absorbed that I gave about 5 minutes of notice to the Challenger explosion, then went back to my own angst.