Saturday, January 28, 2006


OhMyGodIWantTheseShoes. Too bad they don't have my size. Another drawback is the fact that they cost a hundred and forty frickin' dollars.

I think it has become clear that today I am not going to work on my story, I am just going to sit at my computer and vaguely web-surf and blog all day. Maybe I should watch a movie instead. Or take a nap. Or go outside in the 50-something degree weather and enjoy the sun, for pete's sake!

UPDATE 2/5/06: Oh no, they have my size now. Someone remind me that $140 is too much to pay for shoes.


Stacey Pelika said...

I bought a pair of Campers like seven years ago (at a discount - so they were like $100 instead of $120), and they're still going strong. So I say go for it! They're awesome shoes...

Stacey Pelika said...

I said 'like' a lot in that post. Probably, like, because my brain has turned to mush.

towwas said...

Probably because, like, you were posting about, like, shoes. I remember once shopping in the Haight with you and J.Po and seeing a pair of Campers that had bugs on them - I still dream about those shoes. They were $120. I still regret not getting them. They were even cuter than these here butterfly shoes, which are some super cute shoes.

Unknown said...

I fully approve of asymmetrical shoes, even though I've never even heard of that being a shoe option before! Man - guys' shoes are so boring.