Thursday, December 08, 2005

wednesday rehearsal highlights

* Still no smacking by G-dog, and I've resolved to be nicer to people. Starting tomorrow.
* The Norwegian man dancers are here, they are SO CUTE, and their dance is AWESOME. Okay, they didn't actually do the final awesome move tonight, but just the plain old acrobatics were pretty cool. It made my knees hurt to watch them.
* Mr. Love Interest and I are getting much better at our big dance number.
* and I entered a new decade on the ride home. Whew.


grrrbear said...

Happy Birthday TOWWAS! Your birthday presents are in-transit.

Do the Norwegians refer to their final dance move as a "Finishing Move" a la Mortal Kombat?

I'd imagine it would be a great deal like Sub-Zero's...

Stacey Pelika said...

Woo - happy birthday! Decade number four is pretty trippy...particularly the clear sense of 'adulthood.'

Annie said...

Oooh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And hurray for tall beautiful Scandinavian men.

Cheryl said...

it would be cool if they finished (finnished? :o)) like mortal combat. we could hear someone ever the house microhphone in that low scary voice, "FINISH HIM", and then they could fly through the air and karate chop someone. cool.

Cheryl said...

oh, oh! i just want to say that after the day G-dog had this day, and the mood she was understandably in, it was a friggin' miracle that no one was slapped. and, I am going to follow your lead and be nicer too.

towwas said...

If anyone could fly through the air and karate chop people, it would be Sigbjørn and Tom.