Monday, December 05, 2005

monday rehearsal highlights

* My love interest actually interacts with me a little. It only took Miss S. chastising him. That's ok - I've decided it's an arranged marriage, and my true love (and my baby's daddy, if my apron continues to pooch out the way it does) is Mr. K.
* For the second night in a row, G-dog restrains herself from smacking anyone. It was close, though.
* My love interest lifts me nice and high at the end of our dance - straight out of my right shoe. Oops. I wonder if I'm allowed to totally crack up on stage. You people who know theater stuff: if my shoe falls off, is that funny or is that a mistake?


Cheryl said...

It's a funny mistake!

Once I was doing a scene where I had to lead a charleston step. I was standing center stage, it was the middle of the finale, I yelled "charleston!" Then I kicked my right foot out in front of me and landed on my ass.

towwas said...

HA! I wish I'd seen it. I suppose this means I have to learn how to grip my shoes with my toes.

grrrbear said...

You could try using double-sided tape on the bottoms of your feet.

Or, alternatively, laces. But I know you're a lady and there are rules about when one can and cannot wear such "tools of convenience".

So many rules about being a girl...

J.Po said...

Love interest?!?!?!?! Do tell!!!!

towwas said...

Well, honey, don't get too excited. He is a *fictional* love interest. And for most of the show, we're stuck on opposite sides of the stage, so we don't even interact that much. And for most of the rehearsals, he's been totally out in space, and I was despairing of ever having any interaction at all...which is why I'm so pleased that he's finally mentally engaged now.

grrrbear said...

I'm confused, are you doing a musical version of Elton John's "Rocketman"?

It is lonely out in space...

Annie said...

Rocketman in Scandinavia!

Oh, I was excited about the love interest too but realized as I read the post that it was a fictional one. Any cute singing men?

towwas said...

Mr. K, my love interest on the side, is just cute as could be. (He's got *three* women in this show - he's engaged to one of the teenagers, and he's got a little something going on with G-dog, too.) Again, don't get all excited - he's got some serious girlfriend or something. What-ever.