Saturday, December 24, 2005


Just got back from the Christmas Eve services at church - the choir does lots of music in both services, and not all the same stuff either, so it's a pretty busy night. I sang a solo ("Riu, riu, chiu") at the late service - another guy and I split the verses. I was told my fake Spanish was convincing. I was told this by someone who doesn't speak Spanish, but I'll take any compliments I can get.

Now that I've done three solos in the last month and a half, they've become much less terrifying. One of the altos served sherry between the services...that probably helped. Much more practical on a Saturday night than a Sunday morning, though.

After the second service, a ton of young adult people appeared. Normally I'm the only one of my vintage - but suddenly there were I.Ri and A.Io and various other familiar-looking people from my past. Apparently everyone goes home for Christmas, so they turn up at the Christmas Eve service at every year.

So you know how junior high is supposed to be all traumatic and socially horrible? My junior high wasn't like that at all. I had a fabulous time with such people as M.Bal, R.Tra, J.Ho, H.Sax, D.Bap, and of course J.Chu, and we're all still friends now. The only place where I got a taste of junior-high nastiness was at church, and seeing those boys - even though they were the nicest of the bunch by far, and are presumably even nicer now - reminded me of what a bad time I had in the high school youth group. I wonder if that's what some people's high school reunions are like. I left feeling a little deflated.

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