Friday, December 23, 2005

broken e-mail

Most of the time, having your own family domain name is pretty cool. I like having an e-mail address with my last name in it, and I always know who to call when there's a problem - my brother, who has the server in his living room. But this system has one teensy little drawback. If the power goes out in Ann Arbor, or if the server has a little temper tantrum, ta-da! No e-mail. My e-mail went away last night...and I think my brother is in Arizona right now. Here's hoping he notices soon and has a way to reboot the computer from far away.

There's another drawback to our little setup - so, the domain name is my last name plus an "es." I don't think it's that hard. It's like "Joneses" or something. But people *cannot* understand this over the phone. Even when I spell it, they're like, huhhh? Sigh. I suppose it's a small taste of the plight of people who actually have a name that's hard to spell.

1 comment:

towwas said...

Dude, we should keep you uninstitutionalized. I think the world is better off when you are at large.