Thursday, November 24, 2005

mighty leaf tea, of course

This is my mom on Thanksgiving. (Note gravy-colored background.) She's mad because I'm beating her at Scrabble.

L.Tall came over today - it was a super fun time. My parents and I have a leeeettle too much together time, so it's always nice to add someone else to the mix. It was a great meal. Kosher turkeys, it turn out, are super tasty. My mom had a choice of free-range or kosher at Trader Joe's, and she picked free-range. Because they're vegetarian and antibiotic-free and who really cares if they're ritually slaughtered. But then the free-range-turkey truck had an accident, so it was Kosher or nothing on Wednesday. I'm not sure my dad would agree that it was worth all the time he spent with the pliers, pulling out bits of quills. (Kosher turkeys are hand-plucked, and not quite as completely as one might hope.)

L.Tall provided deeelicious tea, some tasty home-made pumpkin pie and - get this - jello/cream cheese/pretzel salad. Yeah. Pink fluff with pretzels. It was good. And we ate it long enough after the pie to call it "dinner."


Cheryl said...

I wish to hear more about this "accident."

J.Po said...

Dude. I bought a Kosher chicken 3 weeks ago because it had as many reviews on its plastic casing as most Hollywood movies have on their billboards. The extra cost was TOTALLY worth it! That was the best damn chicken I've ever eaten! But yes, the feathers were very annoying.