Saturday, November 26, 2005


Okay, I've become one of Those People: Firefly is the best TV show EVER. I just finished watching it - all 15 sad little episodes - today, then had to go back and start from the beginning with the commentary tracks. So I have this quote from Joss Whedon on one of the commentaries, which I would like to adopt as my motto:

"I'm a control...not a control freak. A control enthusiast."


MonkeyMom said...

Ok, I'm totally adopting that with you... "Control enthusiast"...I love it!!!

Talentedhands said...

Yeah, I'm a Firefly freak, too. A friend (Greywingnut) lent me the series on DVD and I devoured it whole. Have you seen the movie? It was great, too!

towwas said...

I saw the movie first, which worked fine but was kind of a bummer when I went back and watched the series - it took away some of the suspense. I knew everyone was going to make it through every episode.