Thursday, October 06, 2005


When I lived in Japan, I bought a lot of used CDs. Sometimes they were bands or singers I didn't know that well, but I figured I could always learn new words or new karaoke songs. When I went back to visit in 2002, I picked up a greatest hits album by Mr. Children. I knew I liked one of their songs, so I figured it was worth a listen. But somehow I never got around to actually unwrapping it. (Yes, they carefully wrap up even used CDs in Japan.)

So just now I was putting some more of my CDs into iTunes, and I figured now's the time to finally listen to it. I unwrapped it. I pulled the CD out of the cute box. (See the art here.) I opened the case. And lo: there is no CD.

I paid 1800 yen (more than $15) for this thing. I carried it back from Japan in my luggage. I shipped it across the country. I filed it in my Ikea CD shelves with the other Japanese pop. The jewel case never even cracked. And yet I will never hear their classic hits "Tsuyogari" or "Everything(It's you)."

Ah well. It probably stinks anyway. I mean, really - the band is called Mr. Children.


grrrbear said...

I had the same problem with my Garbage CD. I bought it in college (when the disk was actually in it) but sometime between then and loading my CD's into my iPod a few months ago I lost it. But I'd been carrying around the jewel case for who-knows-how mand years...

Unknown said...

I'm glad to have a forum in which to admit this - I can't find Cake - Fashion Nugget. I have the case, but it's sad and empty. I've moved the empty case at least once, and maybe twice, depending on how long ago it went missing.

Cheryl said...

hen LM was less than a year old and we hadn't yet babyproofed the tv cabinet she took all of my cds out of the cabinets and out of the jewel cases. I have well over two hundred CD's and being that I am really super organized and cool, (overly meticulous and way nerdy,) they were in alphabetical order and separated by genre. I decided to finally give in to my husband's desire to get rid of the cases and store them in metal books. (I did, however, keep the booklets.)

Annie said...

Dude, I have an autographed (by Chris Martin and Johnny Buckland) CD of Coldplay's "Parachutes"... Except now I can't find the CD!!!! Sure, I have the case, but where the heck is the CD? I am sad. I got it autographed after they were huge in England but before they were huge in the U.S. They came to San Francisco to perform at some club, and they did a little signing thing downtown first and there were only about 20 or 30 people there!

I wonder if yours was a Mr. Children autograph copy. If so I mourn your loss even more.