Wednesday, September 07, 2005

question of the day

If you were going to interview the author of a book about how evolutionary biology will help postpone aging, what would you ask him?

Purely hypothetical question, of course. Sort of like, "If you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what book would you want?" I bet I can guess one thing: you wouldn't want a book on how evolutionary biology will help you postpone aging. You'd probably want a book like Catching Fish With Your Bare Hands or 1001 Uses for Coconuts.


Unknown said...

I think, "So - what's your deal?" does a nice job simultaneously confusing them and making them defensive.

towwas said...

Oh, shit, look - the spam bloggers have figured out Blogger's defenses! That sucks.

I like your question, though. Maybe I'll try that.

J.Po said...

So how does your theory apply to Dick Clark?

Annie said...

I'm not sure I get it... does Evolutionary biology help delay aging? Or does research grounded in evolutionary principles help delay aging?...

I'd ask how recent age-delaying research, like all that Sir2 stuff and caloric restriction, etc., can be construed through the lens of Evolutionary Biology...

P.s., I work on evolution of yeasts. I think that will cure everything!

towwas said...

I don't get it, either. And the first 3 chapters of the book haven't helped, although they've been entertaining.

grrrbear said...

How about "Why in the heck would someone want to live to be 120 anyway? Haven't you seen people who are over 100? Is that how you want to live? Lying in bed all day while all your dead friends are talking about you in heaven wondering why you haven't shown up yet and debating whether you've gone to hell instead?"