Wednesday, August 31, 2005

it worked for insomnia

Do you know a health care person in New Orleans, Biloxi, or any other relevant place? Someone who's actually there? E-mail me their phone number and I'll love you forever.

Okay, so I don't actually expect this to work this time. People with insomnia are much easier to find than doctors in Mississippi. But hey - worth a try.


J.Po said...

Here's a story pitch for you: the American Public Health annual conference is supposed to take place in New Orleans in November - at the site of a major public health disaster. The association is currently trying to decide whether or not to cancel the conference. There seems to be a good story in there somewhere - the nation's public health prfessionals flocking to a public health disaster... Huh.

J.Po said...

Make that 'the American Public Health Associadion (APHA) annual convference'.

towwas said...

ha. nice. I passed that on to the main writer on the story.

towwas said...

She wrote back and said she'd talked to someone there, and they definitely get the irony - and even did before the disaster, when they were planning to eat beignets and bananas foster while discussing better school food for children.

J.Po said...

Awesome. I like the layers of irony available for our enjoyment (except for the fact that great tragedy is providing some of the fodder for irony). I just read my comments again. I spelled a lot of crap incorrectly. Oops.

towwas said...

You did. It was kind of cute.