Monday, August 22, 2005


Hey, if you know anyone who's been treated for insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy, could you have them call or e-mail me? Seriously. You would totally save my life. You have until the middle of next week.


J.Po said...

I've been treated with drugs. Does that count? No, eh?

towwas said... does count, but I try not to use friends in my stories. if I get desperate, I'm calling you, dude.

Stacey Pelika said...

I have also been treated with drugs. I have a friend here who has as well - I'm not sure if he's done anything beyond the drugs, though. Do you want me to ask?

towwas said...

If you wouldn't mind, yeah...I could really use some insomnia sufferers to explain to me why it sucks. And possibly be quoted in the story. Hey, even if he hasn't had CBT, if he's willing to chat with me, that'd be great.

Stacey Pelika said...

He said no - he's trying to move right now and doesn't have time. Maybe I'll ask one of my housemates - she's also been treated for insomnia.

Wherever there are grad students, there is rampant insomina!

Stacey Pelika said...

Or insomnia. Not insomina. See, it's rampant!