Tuesday, August 12, 2008

wicker dinosaur

After two nights in New Bedford, Miss Shirley and I hit the road again. The GPS generously sent us along some scenic New England highways, through small towns and whatnot.

When we got to Vermont, we had a delicious lunch at a little cafe where you order from the guy in the kitchen at the back and pay when you're done ("you might decide you want something else"). Then we visited Basketville. It had the biggest sign around, and Miss Shirley needed to pick up some souvenirs for the folks back home. Here's the view from the second floor:


Anonymous said...

How's that free wooden spoon workin' out for ya?

Coloradan said...
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Coloradan said...

The dinosaur appears angry at being perched precariously on a beam. So un-dinosaur-like! He's a dinosaur, not a gymnast, dang it!

towwas said...

Free wooden spoon?? Curses! If only someone had told me ahead of time that I was going to Basketville, so I could've printed out the coupon!

Annie said...

there is such a thing as all-weather wicker furniture?