Friday, June 20, 2008

old music

I spent all day today at the Christmas Show office - Ogram, two teens, and I moved several car- and minivan-loads of boxes out of the office and into storage. I wore my new t-shirt. Here, I'll show it to you.

Actual conversation with 16-year-old girl:

Teen: [Towwas], why does it say "rem" on your shirt?
Me: It says "R.E.M."
Teen: What does that mean?
Me: It's a band.


Stacey Pelika said...

Oh God. So we're old, huh?

towwas said...

I'm afraid so.

You have the right to remain silent, use it! said...

That picture make your neck look LOOOOOOONG.

towwas said...

I was trying really, really hard to avoid the double chin effect. I guess I succeeded.

Anonymous said...

OK, so I sorta got a teenager who didn't know TMBG, but who hasn't heard of REM? What kind of home-schooled-in-the-mountains teenagers are you interacting with?

towwas said...

Dude, J.Bro - I think we're just old.

J.Po said...

Nice tee! I forced myself to not look at the concert tee selection because of my new "house poor" status. Good thing. I would have bought one.