Thursday, January 24, 2008

prejudices confirmed

I grew up in Maryland, so of course I have an innate anti-Virginia bias. But as more and more of my friends have insisted on living there, I've made a lot of progress toward getting over it. I can drive on 66. I know where Alexandria is in relation to Arlington. Goldarn it, I've driven all the way to Woodbridge for a four-year-old's birthday party.

Then I read something like this and all my progress goes out the window. Virginia, are you listening to me? You are dumb.


MonkeyMom said...

Although I'm ridiculously, amazingly happy living're absolutely right.

It's almost as dumb as South Carolina's law that requires a bartender to open a fresh bottle of alcohol in front of every patron (presumably to prevent a gunfight over whether or not the liquor was watered down). I was shocked the first time I walked into a rather chic restaurant and saw the back wall of the bar piled high with airplane bottles...

God help us if the South ever really rises again!

erin*carly said...

the restaurant, in a popular neighborhood of Virginia, where my roommate works (i don't want to mention the name, in case the ABC people are trolling) makes their sangria with wine (red or white), apples, and tequila.

it's hands down the best sangria i've ever had, and i hope that the ABC people never find them, nor the recipe.

J.Po said...

Are you KIDDING me? I'll stay in SF, thank you very much ... legal use of medical marijuana AND sangria served at all tapas bars. So progressive!

Missy said...

Indeed, last-sentence-of-the-article - indeed! (This is not to demean Wisconsin's law against kissing on trains, of course.)