Tuesday, August 07, 2007

RealFeel is dumb

I just checked the weather outside, because I have to have some way of entertaining myself in my windowless office, and this is what it says:

Temperature: 87F / 30C
RealFeel®: 106F / 41

Ok. Can't someone please put an end to this RealFeel thing? I haven't been outside since 9 a.m., but I can guarantee you it does not feel like 106. It feels like 87 and humid, which is to say, very, very uncomfortable. If it were 106, it would feel like death.


David J said...

High temp in Portland (OR) today: 68. Weird.

Annie said...

dunno, I guess 106 in a dry heat does not feel like death? it feels lik 87 and humid?

Stacey Pelika said...

Accuweather is telling me that it's 75 and raining here. It's actually sunny, and it may be 75, but it's crazy humid (like sauna level), so it's a very uncomfortable 75 if that's the case.

Coloradan said...

I'm with you here--106 and dry feels nothing like 87 and humid (with no breeze, I might add). In fact, I think it feels better than DC does today. There's just no comparison.

towwas said...

Oh yeah. I'd definitely rather be in 106 and dry than 91 and humid (the current conditions). This weather is just lousy.

BASSO said...

..walked at ll:30 - it was HOT! Bank on Penn Ave said 98 - I think it was. 106? Probably not, even then.