Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Fun with breakfast food. (My roommate, enjoying the hotel breakfast in Kongsberg.)


Anonymous said...

So cute! :)

I'm one of the women from Philadelphia in your youtube telespringar video, the one who told you in excruciating detail how happy and shocked I was to find myself on that current website-arbiter of hip. Anyway, I was browsing for videos of valdresspringar, and somehow that led me here! So I'm saying hi.

towwas said...

Ha! I had no idea my blog was google-able, but I guess if you know a lot about my interests (which are, um, specialized), it could be done. Well, welcome, and stop using your real name. It just isn't done. :) And hi back!

grrrbear said...

Oh yeah, all blogs are google-able. There's a reason that i've been getting tons of traffic this year from people searching for "Arby's Fishnet Commercial". I'm sure there's a reason why I get so many people searching for Vida Guerra, but I've never really blogged about her - just the one post months ago.

The longer you blog though, I think the more google traffic you get. It seems funny that way.

towwas said...

Oh right. I meant to say, it hadn't really occurred to me that there was anything about me that would it make it possible to find my blog by simple googling. Not that J.Per was looking for me, but now that I think of it, anyone who's interested in Norwegian dancing could easily come across my blog. And, the community of such people being small, they could be all, hey, I know her! (So, uh, hey guys! You do know me! Hi! How ya doin?)

Anonymous said...

Hm. Well, I did intend to merely use my first name, but...uh...something weird happened.

Not that J.Per was looking for me, but now that I think of it, anyone who's interested in Norwegian dancing could easily come across my blog.

I was going to ask if you wanted to give me a nickname for your blog, but the naming scheme is now clear to me. :)

FWIW, if you're curious, I searched through Google for 'valdresspringar video' and found this category of your posts.

towwas said...

Heh. Yeah, you're also welcome to come up with any other nickname that's memorable, but that's the easiest option. :)