Saturday, February 10, 2007

google maps just made my day

I actually said "ohmygod" out loud just now when I realized that they now have metro stations on google maps!!! So now when I need to go places on the metro (example: the wilds of Virginia) I can actually find metro stations! So exciting! This has always been a major flaw in the online mapping programs - they were clearly designed for driving and only driving, so if you wanted to know how to get somewhere on public transportation, you had to already know which station was closest and map the station address and go from there. Totally inconvenient. (Mapquest and Yahoo don't have metro stations yet.)

Now if Google could only figure out that Rock Creek Parkway switches directions during rush hour....


MonkeyMom said...

Are you coming to visit me??? Because that map was pretty much centered right around where I work! Oooh! TOWWAS sighting!!! :D

towwas said...

Ha! I didn't know that. Nope - my Sunday choir is rehearsing in Ballston this week.

erin*carly said...

and it's even got building shapes! oh, how handy. thanks google!

grrrbear said...

Yeah, they've got the stations for the el and Metra in Chicago too. but it still won't be as helpful as it could be until they also show the routes in addition to the stations, IMHO.

towwas said...

I know, it's not perfect - for subways, they should really show the locations of all the entrances, not just one "M" on top of the stations - but it's an improvement over no information at all!!