Tuesday, January 30, 2007

sun gets in your eyes

Today I went to yoga for the third time this month. I am on fire, people. On fire. And also rapidly handing my cash over to the yoga studio around the corner - it's $17 a pop. The weirdest thing about this studio is all the windows. I love the windows, and I like to put my mat so I'm in the sun. But in winter, at a noontime class, this means that when I do downward-facing dog, the sun is in my eyes. From between my legs. It's kind of an unusual angle for a sun-in-the-eyes problem. The other weird thing about the windows is, there's totally an office building right across the street. Hello, office people! This is my butt! In the air!


erin*carly said...

what yoga place are you going to? i almost bought one of those "yoga pack" thingies today at barnes and noble . . . but "the tao of pooh" was the only thing on my list, and i really need to learn about keeping to my lists.

speaking of, i should be reading.

towwas said...

It will remain nameless, but it's right around the corner from my office.

Coloradan said...

I had a housemate in college who would make some extra money as a nude model for art classes. Once the instructor asked her to pose in downward dog. I don't remember if that was the time her ex-girlfriend turned out to be in the art class.

Guess what I'm saying is, it could be worse.