Tuesday, January 16, 2007

la la la...la la

The other day I counted, and it's possible I'll be in five singing groups this spring. Five. Some of them are bigger commitments than others, but can we all agree that five is kind of excessive? One (or two) of these may have to go.

1. My church choir. Rehearsals every Thursday.
2. My old choir. (With Tall L.) Rehearsals every Wednesday. Faure Requiem, baby!
3. The May version of the Christmas show. (With, like, everybody.) Rehearsals on Wednesdays in April.
4. The madrigal group of the May version of the Christmas show. A couple of rehearsals in April.
5. This new group that EC, K619, and I are forming with a bunch of other people who were rejected from another group. Rehearsals on Sunday nights...somewhere.

The new group is kind of the wildest one. So, there's this totally cool singing group in town, and it's young, and it's hip, and it's extremely musically proficient, and, well, I wasn't the only person who heard they had openings. They had nearly 60 people audition for about four spots. So a few weeks after the audition, the director said, hey, you 13 people didn't get in, but what would you think about starting a new singing group?

We all had dinner at his house on Sunday. It was so cute - in the introductions, everyone went around and said where they went to undergrad and what year they graduated and what they do now. I mean, who still introduces herself that way? There was one who graduated in 2006, people. 2006. I said I graduated in 2003...with my second graduate degree. The oldest one after me hadn't even started college when I graduated from O.A.M. I was totally giving career advice to one of the youngsters within my first 15 minutes at the dinner party. I think I'm going to be the wise old lady of the group. The slightly grumpy wise old lady who doesn't want to do a capella arrangements of pop songs, thank you very much.

But I think it'll be cool. And sort of hilarious, hanging out with a bunch of 22-year-olds. (And EC and K619.)


erin*carly said...

you know you love it. :)

by the way, did you know i stayed there till 3am drinking and talking with b1 and b2? yea. craziness. oh, and good job on emailing b1 about friday - i was thinking of doing the same later in the week. friday will be fu-un. (edit - b2 just emailed me, so i sent a reminder as well.)

i have another interesting factoid, but i think i should keep that to email.

:: commence emailing. ::

erin*carly said...

and ps. you're not old!

towwas said...

Eh, chronologically I'm old, relative to that crowd, but that's ok. I'm so over my 20s.

MonkeyMom said...

Faure is performed in March...so it's only a few months of rehearsals and then you can move on to your 45670138 other musical endeavors. :)

See you tonight! Yay!

MonkeyMom said...

And P.S. Erin's right...you're not old... I am!!!!


towwas said...

Oh, it's in March? In my head, it was totally in May! Cool! Ohhh...I know what I was thinking of. The other choir I auditioned for is doing the Faure in May, and that's what I put on my calendar.

MonkeyMom said...

Yeah, it's a double-show semester. We're doing some kind of opera/broadway thinger in May with someone reasonably famous. Should be interesting to see how that goes...

Talentedhands said...

That's so CUTE that you think you're old. Yeah, I'm not.

grrrbear said...

Didn't we sing the Faure Requiem in the OAM choir frosh year? Winter term, maybe? Or is that maybe a different Faure Requiem that was heretofore unbeknownst to me?

towwas said...

Ooh, I think you're right. But I didn't join the OAM Choir until spring of freshman year. I sang it in the MFGAM choir.

grrrbear said...

Kind of ironic how a song for the dead is haunting you, huh?