Thursday, September 28, 2006


Much as I love working at home every now and then, I think I'd be totally bored if I had to do it all the time. I work with nice, funny, articulate people. Here's my measure of sociability: I get tea several times a day, and twice today I finished my tea in other people's doorways before I made it back to my office at the end of the hall. S.Ball and I discussed the genetic diseases that are our destinies (this is mine) and T.G.N.S. and I flipped through a cookbook of heart-friendly recipes. It sounded good - stuff like Thai green beans and lentil soup with dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar, instead of nasty low-fat versions of real food. Mmmm.


Stacey Pelika said...

That corneal thing sounds not-fun! I'm headed for cateracts myself. Plus depression and breast cancer. Whee!

towwas said...

Yeah, me too on the cataracts and breast cancer. But the cornea thing is way more exotic -n- fun!