Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yesterday J.Chu had this brilliant idea - she's been feeling public-service-deprived - that I should make baby blankets for this thing called Binky Patrol, which becomes a much cooler name when you discover it was named after some homeless guy who people call Binky because he walks around with a blanket on his head. The binky people collect handmade baby blankets and quilts and stuff and give them to kids who are sick or otherwise having traumatic experiences. The idea was that she'd add embroidery (she's on a cross-stitching kick), but then the whole plan evolved to maybe trying to make quilts. We'll see.

Anyway, in the course of all this, I was exploring the internet's wonderful world of do-it-yourself projects and came across this awesome blanket, which I totally want to make:

See the full instructions here. Basically, you turn old wool sweaters into felt, cut them into little squares, and sew them together. Unfortunately, I don't have all that many old sweaters (well, I do, but I wear them), but this might be worth a visit to Value Village.


Annie said...

love it love it love it! But if I were to make such a sweater I guarantee you I would not be able to give it away to charity, I'd want to hoard its cozy warmth all to myself.

towwas said...

Oh hells yeah. This blanket would stay with me. (The binky people don't accept wool, anyway.)