Monday, July 24, 2006


Miss Shirley and I spent most of our weekend in this converted barn. The short one is in the red shirt in the middle and the lady teacher is in the blue skirt, demonstrating the proper way to do the free-dance segment of the numedalspringar.

Every year, they feature a different dance at this workshop. Last year it was the hallingspringar, a few years ago it was telespringar (my favorite), and this year it was numedalspringar. These are all dances done in some variety of 3/4 time. The hallingspringar goes one-two-three-one-two-three in the nice even way you'd expect, but the other two are uneven - the second beat is long and the third is short. The valdrespringar has another version of 3/4, and other dances probably have their own, too. Conveniently, the fiddler stamps the rhythm while he plays.

We had numedalspringar workshops every morning and afternoon, then a dance party every night.


grrrbear said...

Wow. Sounds like an Amish version of "The Grind".

towwas said...

I do not know this Grind of which you speak, but does it feature smokin' hot Norwegian men?

MonkeyMom said...

Heh...judging by the flickr pics, I'm thinking it might involve a significantly older man in shorts and colored socks. :)

Looks like you guys had a blast...and how cool to see the pretty Norwegian boy again!!!

(but Tom was hotter ;)

grrrbear said...

It is true that norwegian men are smokin' hot. I mean, I'm only 1/4th norwegian and my radiant beauty sometimes outshines the sun. Think of how hard my life would have been were I a full-blood with a sense of rhythym.

Indeed, I consider myself fortunate.

towwas said...

Yeah, the pretty Norwegian boy asked me what it is Americans have about wearing shorts and pulling their socks way up. I told him he'd been hanging around too many folk dancers.

towwas said...

P.S. for anyone else who wants to see the flickr pictures, go to and click on the first set in the column on the right.