Through off-blog communication, TOWWAS and I have figured out that she was referring to a field trip that I didn't go on for a class we took together on kooky American religions (okay, I admit it, I didn't go because I had a hangover). Despite my missing of creaky old 'violet flame' lady (who does sound awesome), I still have fond memories of the anti-cult cult, pretending to be a student from GAC, and two very scared Mormons trying to figure out a good answer to how the tablets got into the mountain.
Through off-blog communication, TOWWAS and I have figured out that she was referring to a field trip that I didn't go on for a class we took together on kooky American religions (okay, I admit it, I didn't go because I had a hangover). Despite my missing of creaky old 'violet flame' lady (who does sound awesome), I still have fond memories of the anti-cult cult, pretending to be a student from GAC, and two very scared Mormons trying to figure out a good answer to how the tablets got into the mountain.
Man, I'd totally forgotten you didn't go on that field trip. It was so great. I don't know what it would have been like with a hangover, though.
Hi, my name is...Mary? And I'm from...Gustavus?
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