Thursday, December 01, 2005


I have to leave work early (in fact, right now) to go lie down inside a giant magnet while it makes banging sounds and looks at my brain. I know it's my profession and all, the whole writing about health thing, but boy do I hate medical stuff. Think happy thoughts for me.

UPDATE: THERE WAS AN IV. NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WAS GOING TO BE AN IV. Ok, actually, I'm glad I didn't know, because I only had to freak out for half an hour, instead of the entire past month. Other than having cold contrast material injected into my veins, the MRI was fine. They give you earplugs because the machine makes all these banging noises. At least, the banging was what I knew about ahead of time. It also beeps and boops and shudders. I found that kind of funny. And since I had my eyes shut, I didn't feel claustrophobic about being slid into a manhole-sized tube.


towwas said...

(I'm fine, by the way - just my test-happy doctor checking out some headaches.)

J.Po said...

Dude. I had a CT once, which was much better. I got to sit on a padded platform while a giant doughnut-shaped machine slid around me. Very cool.

Keep up updated on the outcome!

grrrbear said...

I did the CT thing too a couple years ago for my migranes. Wow we're a similar bunch huh?

The IV part did suck a little though. I thought that they didn't need that stuff with MRI's though. Guess I learned something new today, yay!

(Also, glad to hear you're groovetastic TOWWAS!)

towwas said...

I guess the IV is optional for MRIs, but gives a better image...I don't know if it's just for brain MRIs or what. I had to sign a little consent form for the IV, so I guess had the option of turning it down, but I decided to do it - because a better image seems like a good thing, and because I figured refusing an IV would just make me fear them more.

Stacey Pelika said...

I've done the head MRI with IV, too (for what turned out to be a vein near my sinuses that was creating a ginormous whoosing sound in my ear). It's not fun (just lie still for...90 minutes!), but at least the IV is a nice plastic flexible one instead of a pokey metal one that would cause you to be sucked onto the MRI magnet... I was told that the IV stuff was to see the blood flow.

Glad to hear your fine as well. I have to admit that I was happy to know that I didn't have any lurking tumors or aneurysms or anything like that.

Annie said...

Ya, I once had an MRI to check for tumors. Bleckity blech. The IV was weird - did your arm go all icy cold when they injected the metal? I found that creepy. and I never did get to see images of my brain. I was really hoping to.