Sunday, November 06, 2005

I talked to grrrbear on the phone tonight. Imagine that - a real, live phone conversation with one of you bloggy people! Weird, isn't it? Sort of like when Spice, J.Bro, and I shared tasty, wood-fired pizza a few months ago. I think the last time I talked to the Bearster, it was over a year ago, when he was in the West for A.Jay's wedding and needed J.Po's phone number.

I complained about my sinus infection (I know, big departure from the usual for me) and Mr. Bear pointed out, helpfully, that I've had it since 1996.

But I'll forgive him for his heart-rending insights into my character and sinuses, because he's going to try to score me a tool-themed t-shirt from his tool expo. Yknow, the tool expo, where all the tools of the man get together and hit on the girls who man the booths. Or "girl" the booths, perhaps.


Annie said...

Wow, you hung out with these people IRL! I just learned "IRL" from my friends who instant message a lot and World of Warcraft. Hee.

towwas said...

Ha. Well, Spice I had in fact spent a lot of quality time with in real life, yknow, B.B. (Before Blogs.) But J.Bro was a new one.