Friday, November 11, 2005


This is one of those weeks where there's just been too much going on. Too much work, too many e-mails, too many social engagements, too many choir rehearsals, too many DVDs and books, too many undealt-with papers on my desk. Gack. Would anyone like to suggest a favorite coping mechanism? Biking up Mount Tam over the weekend is not an option, if you were thinking of suggesting that. It wouldn't be an option even if I weren't 2,800 miles away, unless I suddenly became physically fit, or unless someone else was pedaling and I got to ride behind in one of those kiddie trailers.


Unknown said...

It doesn't help your stress, but I read your article tonight while waiting for my wife to find the right-sized clear organizing boxes. I didn't buy the magazine, but don't take that to mean I didn't enjoy it!

towwas said...

Hey, cool! That's okay, you don't really have to buy the magazine.