Monday, November 07, 2005

operation name-drop

I am posting solely for the purpose of dropping the name of another embassy, because for the second time this fall I have been to an Embassy Event: this one at the Austrian embassy. Yes, there was strudel. There was also a talk by an Austrian mathematician. Perhaps most astoundingly, I followed almost everything he said, even when he took a side trip from his discussion of his fun math museum thing to talk about his research. Okay, he lost me in the last sentence or two of his little chalkboard digression, but up til then, I was on it.

I'm not sure I can explain his research, but it has something to do with a number he calls psi (Ψ), which is 0.z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6, etc. where each zn (I don't know how to do subscripts, that says z sub n) is 9 if every digit from the nth decimal place of pi to the 2nth decimal place of pi is 7, and zero otherwise. So, Ψ is 0.0000000000000000000.... But you can't prove it's zero. Or something. He had a whole book about it, but for $44, I don't actually care. And I doubt I'd understand it if I read it.

Anyway, math, whatever, the food was really good.


Cheryl said...

Whoa. Even when I'm not pregnant I couldn't follow what you typed.

Cheryl said...

Apparently I can't put together a sentence either. Like that grammar!