Monday, November 14, 2005

not quite mount tam

My parents got a tandem last weekend, and they've already been out for several rides. Yesterday they talked me into going with them, so I dragged out my bike (which had not seen the light of day in a year and a half) and we loaded the bikes up on the rack and drove to Rock Creek. They close down some of the roads on weekends. Yesterday it was sunny and the 60's, and the road was packed with cyclists, runners, walkers, and even a clump of rollerbladers. I didn't know anyone still rollerbladed. It was a perfect day - we rode from Silver Spring down to the zoo, where we checked out the baby cheetahs. They were all lounging around in the sun, but the baby panda, sadly, isn't on public display yet. The ride back uphill wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be, but my butt hurts today.


grrrbear said...

Wow, the 'rents got a tandem lst weekend and this week's Simpson's was all about Marge and her tandem bike.

Who'da thought that your parents were so trendy?

Stacey Pelika said...

I had the same thought - I thought the whole tandem storyline was more amusing than expected...

Annie said...

I love biking!!!! Isn't it lovely? Don't you feel free as a bird on a bike???? Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

towwas said...

Yeah, that's my parents - always on the cutting edge.

Free as a bird who's still just a liiiiiittle bit paranoid that she's going to fall out of the sky and either lose a lot of skin or die or both, but yeah, other than that, totally.

Cheryl said...

A tandem, that would be really fun...until I somewhow caught my foot in the chain and pulled my poor, unsuspecting, extrememly coordinated husband to a crashing end on the pavement.

towwas said...

I don't think my parents have crashed yet, although the chain did pop off once on Sunday.