Monday, November 14, 2005

mohammed tablecloth

This guy is a refugee from Sierra Leone, and he makes the most beautiful tablecloths. When he was in high school, he didn't want to take tie-dye, because that stuff is for girls. But his father told him you should always take every opportunity to learn, so he took the tie-dye class, and now he supports a bazillion relatives with his dye skillz. The tablecloths are just beautiful - you can see one of the tie-dye ones in the front left there, and there's also the print ones like the one he's holding. They're about $25-30, if anyone has a need for a tablecloth and matching napkins - I could set you up. They make mighty fine wedding presents.

Molly's mom (who I was visiting) could never remember the guy's last name. When she called to ask him to come over with a backpack full o' tablecloths, she looked him up in her phone, where he's listed as "Mohammed Tablecloth."


Cheryl said...

Ooh, pretty. Can we still get them in time for Christmas?

towwas said...

Hm. Probably not, 'cause Molly's Mom, much as I love her, is a bit of a slowpoke. Not to mention, mail travels slowly from Bamako to here.

Cheryl said...

Boo. I am only buying gifts that benefit charity this year and this would definitely fit the bill.

Maybe I want one for myself though - hmmm. Let's talk.

towwas said...

I actually have two sets that I bought as wedding presents and haven't gotten around to sending to their recipients yet - I might be willing to part with them. Since these presents are already one to four years late.

Cheryl said...

I'm pretty sure Miss Manners would frown on that timeline, but all the better for me! Let's chat.