Friday, October 21, 2005

apple history

Beebee Q from down the hall says my iPod makes her two-year-old iPod look like those Apple computers we used in elementary school. Those computers were awesome. You could play games and print out signs in cool fonts that didn't enlarge well. I remember the ones from high school better, though, because I spent many, many miserable hours learning to program on them. Ah...Pascal. I get that the principles I learned when I had to program in Pascal could be applied to any language, but I still think it's mildly ridiculous that I learned it.


J.Po said...

Dude. I learned Pascal too. But worse than that, my dad still programs in Cobol. I guess it doesn't matter if it works. For a geeky peek into the timeline of computer languages, see this:

towwas said...

Hey, that is nerdy fun! I see all four languages I've had to program in. (Pascal, Basic, C++, and Miranda.) Dang. That's a lot of programming.

Stacey Pelika said...

My mom knows Cobol as well! We should get them together for a geek-fest. My mom also knows RPG II and III.

I learned in Pascal at Our Alma Mater - the next year they started teaching the course in C++. I have found that it's really helped with statstical stuff for me - which is basically programming if you want to do it efficiently.

towwas said...

Ooh, I didn't take C++ until I got to grad school. And I did take it with the intention of getting better at stats - but then I quit. So now it's just one more area of random knowledge.

Unknown said...

I was feeling pretty cool and nerdy after my LaTeX post, but now I'm just some schmo that played a typing game where "erlfugmnb" kept the plane from crashing instead of learning to program.

Cheryl said...

Anyone remember Basic? In 5th grade the "gifted" class took computer classes and we programmed things like "I am the coolest" to repeat over and over while blinking on the screen. Ah, it was good to be "gifted."

grrrbear said...

I had two classes in the "gifted" program. The first one was BASIC and then in the second year we did PASCAL and C.

That second class was the first time I ever sent an email (to my friend across the room I think). I felt sooo powerful.

I miss my gifted classes. I got to hold a snake in one of them. So much better than stupid regular school.